Vision and Mission  

       Educates for life

Instills vedic Values

Ignites latent talents

Nurtures human skills

Stirs national consciousness

Incu;cates techno vision

towards social and environmental concerns

infuses global outlook.

A Relentless Quest

To impart holistic education for better tomorrow

with the Spiritualism of Orient and Pragmatism of the west;

To groom individuals to be physically well-developed and energetic,

morally upright, intellectually well informed, Socially concerned,

emotionally balanced and culturally conscious;

To instill in young minds a sense of national pride and patriotism;

Encourage them develop rational perspective, clear vision,

positive mind - set and self - esteem.

Contact Us ↓
The Principal,
DAV Police Public School,
Madhuban (Karnal)
Phone - 0184-2390030, 2390029
E-mail - davppsmbn14@gmail.com

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